Man killed by train near the Columbia Station. OUch. Doesn't that train travel 10 or 15 mph? Perhaps that is the safest route to travel between Phoenixville and King of Prussia if you do not have a car. I really don't know the reason but that has to be a hell of a way to die.
Not quite a selfless conservative activist (at least not at first) but someone that saw pure evil (not socialized medicine, abortion, or gay marriage) and decided to expose it. It is sad that she died poor, broken and all but forgotten. I think there is a health care reform lesson in here somewhere but don't let the story get ruined by that.
Joe Rooney will have some "splainin' to do" after Barry catches up with him. Joe brings up some valid points about the status of capital projects in the Borough. It wasn't until July that Andre Thorton got really going (about 4 months into the construction season. I was under the assumption that Elm Street was closed out and the project was finished. BTW, the facade grants never came about so the broken down house fronts are nicely lit by the new street lamps.
So what is the real job of Mr Cassidy since the capital projects have slowed. Are we paying $125,000 a year for a person to close out grants? We could have an intern do that. Perhaps it is another subsidy to the Parking Authority. The Borough doesn't need his help with Watch Groups. He did a great job with the Middle Ward watch a few years ago but a horrible job with the North Side watch even though he was "Watching Someones South Side" (if you know what I mean.)
It will be really hard to find $1,000,000 to cut out of the budget for next year. The coming moths should be entertaining.
Will they burn out or fade away?
Whether you are moved by the message or repulsed by the idea being floated . . . . . . . . REM can still kick out a decent tune.
Schuylkill Trail moves forward in Chester County
They continue to waste valuable time!
No, not some Council President or Non-Profit executive director. The real deal. I really hate Twitter because there are not enough people like this to balance out the people with boring lives and with nothing to say. Pick out your favorite.
The Citizens advisory committee for the writing of Phoenixville's new comprehensive plan has been announced. You may recognize the names.
Richard Kunsch
Rob Frees
Lou Beccaria
E. Jean Krack
Barry Cassidy
Tom Carnevale
I can see Carnevale. That is a legitimate pick. If the goal is to plan out the giving away of other peoples money or the begging for public funds, you have the A-Team. If the goal is to have citizens give their input for the future of the Borough, not so much. Do any of these people (aside from Carnevale) live in the Borough? Is this then a citizens committee or a business committee. I think the majority of the people should be voters. The Planning Commission sit in on this process also and they are all residents.
I guess we should be happy that they only put 2 CDC people on the committee.
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- Mr. Ellsworth Toohey
- "Don’t set out to raze all shrines – you’ll frighten men. Enshrine mediocrity, and the shrines are razed."