Hey Hey My My  

Posted by Mr. Ellsworth Toohey

Joe Rooney will have some "splainin' to do" after Barry catches up with him. Joe brings up some valid points about the status of capital projects in the Borough. It wasn't until July that Andre Thorton got really going (about 4 months into the construction season. I was under the assumption that Elm Street was closed out and the project was finished. BTW, the facade grants never came about so the broken down house fronts are nicely lit by the new street lamps.

So what is the real job of Mr Cassidy since the capital projects have slowed. Are we paying $125,000 a year for a person to close out grants? We could have an intern do that. Perhaps it is another subsidy to the Parking Authority. The Borough doesn't need his help with Watch Groups. He did a great job with the Middle Ward watch a few years ago but a horrible job with the North Side watch even though he was "Watching Someones South Side" (if you know what I mean.)

It will be really hard to find $1,000,000 to cut out of the budget for next year. The coming moths should be entertaining.

Will they burn out or fade away?

This entry was posted on Sunday, September 13, 2009 at Sunday, September 13, 2009 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .



Four years left at 125,000 and I know where you could save another half a million.
Can't we hire another Band Manager for less?
This is what happens when you approve monies for the future.Recind it along with the sale of Second Ave and get fair market value.I'm sure when BC time is up he will take all of his info with him and town will have to stand on its own merit.
Did you recieve your leaf collection notice without the water /sewer /trash bill with return envelope?
What a waste of money.

September 13, 2009 at 8:59 AM

Council needs to terminate the CDC contract and put the money toward the MILLION dollar budget shortfall in next years budget. That would be the smart and responsible thing to do and those are the same reasons the knuckle head council majority probably won't do it. As far as I can tell Barry has very little to do these days anyway and I'm willing to bet we won't miss him. It's a pretty easy 12% fix of the budget problem with a much smaller remainder still to deal with.

September 13, 2009 at 3:34 PM

"Will they burn out or fade away?"


There will be some knock down, drag out fights on council floor but in the end the majority will vote to extend the contract for 5 years beyond the current one, give 'em $100,000 if a future borough council breaches the agreement, and finish off by raising the annual CDC payments to $525,000.

After all, this IS Phoenixville.

September 13, 2009 at 7:41 PM


You really should consider adding Joe's site to your blog roll.

September 13, 2009 at 7:42 PM

The water/sewer/trash bill isn't due yet. My meter was just read a few days ago. So you got an extra envelope. Send it back or drop it off if you are so worried about saving money. Better yet, start a drive to gather up all of the extra envelopes and return them.
You sound like you have the time.

September 15, 2009 at 8:32 AM

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