"Takings" it to the street  

Posted by Mr. Ellsworth Toohey in

I received and interesting email that asked the question "Does the actions of the Borough with regards to the ignoring the actual ownership of the Holy Ghost property constitute a "quasi Eminent Domain" situation?"

I think it is an interesting point to ponder yet the whole process is in its infancy. If we play it out I think there is a good argument that it could lead to that. Planning Commission approval and Council approval of both the Conditional Use and the land development plans would lead to the issuing of permits. Since the church is claiming that it is the brotherhood, there will be no legal title questioning. The church has no problem signing for the brotherhood anyway. HUD looks at the Borough approvals and the signatures along with church signed agreement of sale from the "brotherhood" and feels it is legit. The Borough is the player in this that makes the process legit. Therefore, the transfer of the Holy Ghost property from the real Brotherhood to the fake brotherhood is done by way of a lazy Borough Council and its pet solicitor. What makes this worse than real Eminent Domain is that, since Council and Holy Ghost are making shit up as they go along anyway, they disregard the just compensation portion of the takings clause of the 5th amendment to the US Constitution.

If the real brotherhood is unwilling to fight this in court (for whatever reason ie financial or fear) Evans and Holy Ghost gets away with it and the Borough is an accomplice to the fraud. The Borough, by shear fact that they ignore the rightful ownership of the property, will effectively transfer the ownership of the property to another entity without providing just compensation.

This entry was posted on Friday, May 29, 2009 at Friday, May 29, 2009 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .



Yes, Mr. Toohey. This is the main thing which makes the issue much more than an internal church matter. This is why those church officials who used the bully pulpit and excommunicated and denied communion to members of long standing also denied (and continue to deny) the rights of these people as citizens.
The Democratic Party members of the Phoenixville borough council are complicit in fraudulent scheme to line the pockets of a few who are using Taliban like tactics. You can say its all in the name of Allah or its all in the name of Christ, but its really all in the name of the almighty dollar, Florida real estate and off-shored money. Look at the what the old baking ladies are going to vote yes for. They are going to be voting yes on handing over the land they gave so much of their life to to an organization whose sole purpose of
this corporation shall be to hold the title to certain real
estate situated in the Borough of Phoenixville and which may also
have offices and registered agents at such other places either
in or out of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or the United
States of America, as the Board may from time to time appoint. That is hardly what the fathers and mothers of the congretation had in mind back in the 30s - that the St. Nicholas Brotherhood was an offshore agency designed to develop real estate. (And the reason the Reeves sold the property to these honorable men involved in a group which was to exist in perpetuity - not until 2009 - was because the Reeves thought this was a honorable group of hardworking men who had shown that they would take a stand for principles and think of what was best for their children and the wider community).
These are takings all right. And the Phoenixville Holy Ghost Community (or should I say international real estate development corporation) is getting took as they vote for this phony St. Nicholas Brotherhood. These men involved this scheme are not even half the men who raised these people.

May 29, 2009 at 9:20 PM

When all is said and done there will be criminal charges filed at the Federal Level. Rest assured that We are watching this and that the proper legal procedures where applied in both court losses for the "Church". Ownership must be factual and selling of a property which is not owned by the seller and trying to apply for Federal Housing Monies is in fact a Federal Crime. The Jail term is 10 to 20 Federal time. Please fell free to place as much information as pertinent in the public domain as it will make our job easier to investigate the parties responsible for this. We are watching.

May 30, 2009 at 3:08 AM

Members of my family, including mereceived emails from an employee of Vanguard, on behalf of the Saint Nicholas Brotherhood new group AKA Holy Ghost Board relating to a meeting tomorrow.

The emails asks that we attend a meeting tomorrow which is very important to the church. New bylaws were mailed out to us as well which are quite unconstitutional in our opinion.

Would this email be considered working on personal business with company assets, especially during company time. More concerning to Vanguard employment office could be that the meeting goes against the court order from March, against the Board of the Church?
Shame on you Vanguard Employee.

Your superiors ma not think highly of this document from their email account. It could result in a suspension or loss of a job in this economy as Father John indicated to one of your friends.

May 30, 2009 at 2:09 PM

Holy Ghost church board had their illegal meeting today to pass their interpretation of St. Nicholas Brotherhood by-laws. The church by-laws specifically state that a quorum must be present for any business to transpire. There wasn't a quorum;they passed their by-laws anyway. So what does that tell you about how deceptive they are? Well, at least they had enough food left over for their pirohi factory workers this week.

May 31, 2009 at 6:59 PM

Anyone receiving emails from companies regarding HG situation should reprot this to the employement offices of the firms.

May 31, 2009 at 7:24 PM

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