I had a post ready to go that was going to explain how lucky we were to have a local paper and to get the news reported. Then I open the OP ED. Once again they put the balanced opinion on the shelf and slam two (out of three) right wind nut editorials. One was how bad the first time homebuyer tax credit is and the other was about Specter's exodus out of the GOP and how it was not ideologically driven. Even the cartoon was right wing. The third editorial was about the In's and Outs of the First Time Homebuyers tax credit" One column says its evil and the second tells you how to get it. Nice!
Man, I really want to like the paper and in theory, I do. It is like watching Fox. I know they are shills for wack-a-doo's but damn the Simpson's are funny.
This entry was posted
on Tuesday, May 5, 2009
at Tuesday, May 05, 2009
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Like I said Foohey, the newspaper is a fucking rag. I'm starting to think I shouldn't let my dog shit on it anymore because he might become infected by the bad grammar and journalism skills that the Phoenix displays on a daily basis. When will the editors do their job and put these third rate "writers" in the unemployment line? They blow.
May 5, 2009 at 8:43 PM
family guy is better than the simpsons. how you can tell is they get more hate mail from all the right wing groups.
May 7, 2009 at 1:35 AM
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