I was glad to see Councilman Handwerk bring up the issue of a Home Rule Charter and entertain the idea of a commission to study the issue. I had a discussion with a friend today and decided that, with a few exceptions, the Borough code is working just fine for us. It is the elected officials that are screwing things up. I would like to see the possibility of referendums being placed on the ballot for certain issues like the creation of the parking authority and the abandoning of the right of way for the library. Those are important issue that should be dealt with by popular vote. I would also propose the following changes to our representative form of government.
The election of one representatives shall take place in each ward every 2 year to serve a term of 4 years. This representative shall, from this day forward, be called a Nitwit. The first meeting of the new term of the Council of Nitwits shall consist of a reorganization of officers where the members select a chairman of the Council and shall be called the Village Idiot.
Just an idea!
Phys Ed,
That would assume said officials are acting on the wishes of the majority community. Herein lies the problem, and why a referendum vote is needed
Well said....May 16, 2009 9:07 AM.
These plugs wouldn't know representative government if it bit them on the arse. They're smarter than us, don't you know. And will "lead" us whether we like it or not. Morons!
Maybe some of you boneheads who know "representative gov" should step up and do something......... oh, what's that you say? "Not you", but you JO's seem to have all the answers, so I'm just wondering where your pasty asses are during the elections and council meetings? And don't give me that you do many things for Phoenixville. That's a ridiculous answer, just like Foohey saying he wanted to put macadam in the park for a parking lot for the library. Genius idea ass wipe!
To: May 16, 2009 3:53 PM....we've seen this exchange before. You're the one who admitted they had absolutely nothing of value to add and were less intellegent than most. And you still hear the answers in your pea brain when you ask questions on a blog. Good to see nothing has changed. Crawl back into your hole where you belong. Freaken lemmings challenge their "leaders" more than you. Just follow them off the cliff already and spare us your 2nd grade level of intellegence. And once again, I'm done exchanging comments with a sub human less intellegent than my sofa.
This guy gives everyone grief on the weekend. Here is his IP address today He/she must be at work or something today because it is registering a different address than the other times. That was It is coming from Comcast Business Internet and the person is using a Apple Mac with Safari OS. Should be a widescreen because the resolution setting is 1280x1024.
If any of you feel like going through your email and opening up the header to see if this IP address matches any from say a Council person or some other official, run wild.
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