
Posted by Mr. Ellsworth Toohey

“The Library and Reeves Park have been courting each other for a long time,” said Mike Speck (D-East). “Now is the opportunity to tie the knot.”

Quoted from the Phoenix 4/16/2009

This entry was posted on Thursday, April 16, 2009 at Thursday, April 16, 2009 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .



Mr. Speck is a bachelor.

April 16, 2009 at 9:08 AM

The extrusion and extension of the library towards and into the park is an act of consummation which has been blessed by our wise tribal rulers.
If you do not understand these huge phallic ways, perhaps you have not heard the wisdom of the elders "It takes one to know one."

April 16, 2009 at 9:15 AM

Phoenixville Library - PASD School Board meeting tonight!

The PASD School Board meeting will be held tonight at 7 p.m..

Entrance to the high school is from the back of the building, and I've been told the meeting will be held in the auditorium.

PASD and the taxpayers of Phoenixville borough are the rightful owners of the library, and the initial permission was granted by the school board to explore the concept plan for expansion of the library.

PASD school board members have many questions to answer on this proposal.

Please make every effort to attend this meeting.

April 16, 2009 at 10:17 AM

The courtship evidently was going on behind closed doors since I don't remember anything being reported about the tryst.

April 16, 2009 at 11:33 AM

there is no parking authority,, and I doubt it will work when there is

April 16, 2009 at 12:47 PM

"4.5 hours it took to decide on the abdication of the Right of Way for 2nd Ave and to give the property to the Phoenixville Library. There were some conditions that would appear, at least on the surface, to be a deal killer for the Library. One is the approval of variances by the Zoning Hearing Board. I guess that Henry Wagner cut a deal on this one.

When the parking study for the library comes out, does the parking authority review it? Will that be the Chairman of both groups pleasuring himself? If the Parking Authority is supposed to solve the parking issues in the Borough, why is its Chairman making more problems?"


April 16, 2009 at 1:36 PM

I prefer the wisdom of the elders that state "He who smelt it, dealt it."

April 16, 2009 at 8:17 PM

Looks like the library will need a lot of variances to Borough Code. It is in a NCR-2 zone and some of the code applicable to it can be found on pages 27-405 and 27-406 of the Borough Code book codified in 2008. Here is one paragraph. Check the parking requirements:

7. Library or Museum. A library or museum which is open to the public or is connected with a permitted educational use, and is not conducted as a private gainful

A. Area and Dimensional Standards.

(1) Minimum Lot Area: two acres.

(2) Minimum Lot Width: 100 feet.

(3) Minimum Front Yard: 30 feet.

(4) Minimum Side Yard: 15 feet; 30 feet for corner side yards.

(5) Minimum Rear Yard: 30 feet.

(6) Maximum Impervious Surface: 50%.

B. The buffer requirements of Part 30 of this Chapter shall be met.

C. Parking: one space per five seats or, where no seats are provided, one space per 250 square feet of total floor area. Parking areas shall be adequately screened when situated within 50 feet of land zoned for or in residential use.

April 16, 2009 at 8:21 PM

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