Housing Slump  

Posted by Mr. Ellsworth Toohey

Does this help people decide to move to Phoenixville?

Headlines or main articles of the last 2 weeks

Alleged Stalker Waves First Hearing (5/2)
Father Accused of Killing his Infant Son Gets Hearing (5/1)
Alleged Stalker Picked Up By Police (4/30)
Making an Impact (4-29) ***A Positive Article***
Borough Man Faces Charges From Same Day Incident (4/28)
Phoenixville Has Lost Its Greatest Advocate (4/27) ***Positive Article***
Service Over Self (4/25) ***Positive*** Man Tries to Buy Gun ***Negative***
Man Who Allegedly Threatened Parents Faces Judge (4/24)
Woman Admits to Stealing $30,000 (4/23)
Death Threat Leads to Arrest (4/22)
Family Begins Grieving Process (4/21) ***Car crash victim***
Explosion Injures Worker (4/20)

This entry was posted on Saturday, May 2, 2009 at Saturday, May 02, 2009 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .



And your point? So is this a bash against the newspaper or the town?

May 2, 2009 at 7:43 AM

The point is that there is more to this town than just arraignments and arrests but these stories always make it above the fold. I think that the police beat gets too much ink and it is hard to look at the headline and think of much positive. I don't view the town as having a crime problem so why is it the focus of the news most days? It isn't a bash against anyone, it is an observation.

May 2, 2009 at 8:03 AM

You ask why Foohey? Our newspaper is a rag, with a bunch of rag-tag wannabe journalists (now that Skip is writing for "the Man"). Who is our top journalist now? Dennis Wrong (not unless you decide to take up backyard wrestling)? Matt Byrd-less (like I said "no balls)? Or maybe it's Nick (who needs a spine transplant)?

What a laugh of a newspaper. "No self respecting fish would let themselves be wrapped in this rag"... name that movie line?

May 2, 2009 at 10:54 AM

Anonymous 10:54 a.m. If the newspaper is such a rag, then why do you continue to read it everyday? Better yet, who reads it to you? I hope I'm around to see YOU end up being wrapped in the paper - douchebag!

May 2, 2009 at 4:54 PM

Sorry Anony 4:54pm: I didn't mean to offend one of your sons at the newspaper. The truth of the matter is that the newspaper is a rag. I'd be willing to bet there are plenty of high school newspapers that could do a much better job of hunting out news stories. These bunch of "journalists" (that's questionable) haven't sniffed out their own story in.............. well ..... forever.
I don't need to read our local paper, especially since they just plagiarize stories from other news sources. Sorry to disappoint you and tell you that your son wasted his/her education in college pretending to be journalists. Maybe they were busy being jerk offs you.

But, hell, if you wanna read about your neighbor beating his wife to a pulp, then our newspaper is for you. Or maybe a local peeper is more up your alley. Sure they have all of these great stories and more. Pick up a copy at your local newsstand today (oh yeah, I forgot, there isn't anyone willing to carry our local rag............ well, I'm sure you can read it online somewhere).

Big kisses to you sweatheart,
From Your Douchebag

PS - I do actually use our local paper........... yeah, I recycle them by letting my dog shit on them while he's in training.

May 2, 2009 at 7:49 PM

It is so much easier to sit your fat arse in an air conditioned courtroom and take notes than it is to go looking for something to actually write about. I mean, heck, you can just sit and quote. No brainer. Oh... thats just it, isn't it? No brain required, and no accountability either. Sad.

May 3, 2009 at 1:35 AM

Well no one wants to read any positive news about this town because it is hard to believe that anything positive happens in this town. When someone good happens, it gets put down anyway. So the paper might as well let everyone know that there are more bad people in the borough than good. The so-called leaders in this town don't want to divulge any positive information anyway. The negative news sells rather well, no matter what the source may be. Any positive news in this town doesn't sell papers, and is a bit too good to be true or believed.

BTW Anonymous 7:49 p.m. and 1:35 a.m., what do you two do to contribute to the good of Phoenixville besides having access to the Internet? I highly doubt much at all. It is easy to sit and criticize the newspaper after one of its writers has passed away. What a pair of class acts you are! You both should be ashamed!

May 3, 2009 at 5:09 PM

On the contrary Anony 5:09: I respected Skip and I eluded to that in my first comment regarding his passing. You were just to quick to the trigger to notice (I hope you pay more attention in the future. As to the second portion of your accusations that I am not involved in the town is incorrect. I could sit here and tell you that I am very involved in the downtown but I'd be stretching the truth. But I am willing to say that I do my fair share with community projects and I probably have helped clean your neighborhood.

But if your argument is that the paper does publish trash then you are supporting what I am saying that it is nothing more than an easy reading rag. Why do they publish this "easy reading" material? Because they are lazy. Plain and simple laziness. And you're wrong thinking that they publish the trash because it sells. What sells is good, hard fought stories that are genuine and energetic. Skip had that energy and his writing was thoughtful and truthful. Tell me you can say that about the paper now? You can't and that is why I say "bye-bye" to the Phoenix.

Not only have they let their standards fall to the wayside, but they've also let a beautiful building fall into disarray without any attempt to keep it's beauty for the sake of the town they write for and work for. The Phoenix is a disgrace by any journalism standards.

May 3, 2009 at 7:11 PM

Anonymous 7:11 p.m. You won't quit reading the Phoenix because it is such an easy target for you to criticize. You'd rather be critical than constructive. Since you apparently do so much for the area, it or the event you helped at was probably publicized in the Phoenix. But apparently you don't appreciate that aspect of things. Why don't you try finding something positive to say about your hometown newspaper, unless you aren't capable of doing so? There is way too much negativity going on without further spreading of it. I'm not a fan of asparagus, but I don't take cheap shots at it. So if you choose to be done with the paper, then do so. You don't have to step on it, step around it and leave it be.

May 4, 2009 at 10:03 AM

Sorry Anonymous 10:03AM: I choose to step on it and I'm still letting my dog shit on it, so at least I'm recycling it. One final point, you eluded that "I" or "we" (I assume you mean the towns people) should find some good news to put in the paper. Hmm, I didn't realize I worked for the paper and it was my job to go out and find stories (positive or negative). But obviously you agree that the paper is a rag.

May 4, 2009 at 3:01 PM

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