Skip gets a lecture on Phoenixville from the professor. This will be a race between the storyteller and the lecturer. Check out the Mr. Amici's description of the night Mr. DiGirolomo was interviewed for Borough Manager. I sat in that room and watched the replay on TV and I will tell you that his description was not accurate.
Update - - In the first 13 mins, Skip asks 2 questions. Lou answers 0.
According to the Borough budget posted on their website, the Police Department gets $3.2 million. I didn't hear Amici say anything of substance how he will manage the budget of that size as Mayor and head of that department.
About 12m 32 sec into the video, after telling us he (the lecturer) works in a bipartisan way, he gives us (and Skip) the finger!
He should watch the show on Fox "Lie to Me."
Hey Foohy – Is this guy for real or what? First he tells us the previous manager (conveniently not naming him) for the problems the current council faces. He says “the town is paying for it now” and are we ever.
Then he tells us how he reached across the isle (pandering to Democrats I suppose) and says “I appointed a Democrat to the head of the finance committee because at the time I felt and still do that the person I appointed regardless of party could do the job the best.” “I caught heat from my own party but I did what was right for the town at the time.”
Gee thanks Mr. Amici
The person Amici said the town is paying for now and the person he appointed for finance committee chair as council prez who “could do the job best,” is one in the same; Anthony Digirolomo.
Anon 4/28 4:01
I am so glad that you pointed out the pandering of a condescending fool; it was the same old Pizza man that he appointed. When he states that his own party gave him grief over the appointment, could that be why Loopy Lou stepped down as President? What has this candidate done or shown in his personal life to show that he can manage people or the budget of the PD? He states that he has leadership; please tell us where that is found? Is it the title of disciplinarian in a private school? Wow, leadership over teenage children, he has done nothing that defines him with men. Loopy Lou also states that he is happy with the First Fridays, other than people having dinner and drinks, please tell me how the town has benefited from First Friday? Are there shopping bags traveling with these visitors (visitor meaning that they do not live here in Phoenixville, your words not mine)? Are they increasing the Borough Tax base? Or are they taxing your services, manpower and budget? Mr. Lawrence, rest his soul, corrected Loopy Lou what three times trying to quote facts and figures he obviously had no clue on what he was referring too.
I would love to fire the coach, but given the ‘other choice,’ I cannot do so in good faith. At least I know what I have with coach rather than a self inflated egotist. No better than the panderings of Sen. Arlene Specter, danm turncoat for the sake of continuing to live on the public teet.
Hey, Its "Fraud", oops.... I mean "Truth".
Fraud, the "truth" of the matter is, is that First Friday's are very successful and a very useful event for the town. Maybe you wouldn't understand anything about how a town picks itself up and brushes off the dirt of the down years, but it starts with the sentiments of the people attending First Friday's. Which include both Phoenixvillians and non-Phoenixvillians. According to every successful downtown director (not including Barry Cassidy), building a small downtown starts with the restaurants and progresses from there into a shopping district. Phoenixvillle has not reached that milestone of being a shopping district but according to every model, we are well on our way.
Fraud, you are just another in a long line of town nay-sayers and you seem to have very little positive input. I don't know Barry Cassidy, and I don't even particularly like him, but all that i can tell you is that since he took over the reigns of First Friday's it has progressed into the overall success we see today. Call it coincidence or whatever you want. Now everybody wants to jump on board the First Friday's success and claim to have the answers to what it needs to "really become successful". Well then, I say SHUT UP & STEP UP TO THE PLATE!
Let me comment on the First Friday issue. I figured once Truth popped in for a visit we would see one or two comments blasting him for whatever views he had today. First Friday, BlobFest, Celtic Festival . . . all suck money from the Borough budget through their use of services. It is hard to determine whether you are getting any of that back since we have no business or sales tax to levy on the business district. We can assume that there is residual income coming in from First Friday's. Here's how that would work.
A family with a net income of $120,000 a year comes to First Friday and likes the town, thinks the residents are absolutely crazy, but likes the town. That family decides to buy a house in Phoenixville (one of those crammed in townhouses on the North Side) based on their love for First Fridays. That will generate some money for the town if the assumption is that no one would have bought the house if that family didn't, or would have paid a lower price or would have sat on the market longer. Of course they would use services in their daily lives that would be covered by their tax dollars (but their taxes are really high. That is why I used that example)
It is just good PR. I think that we should consider expanding it to included closed streets and outdoor seating for the restaurants. First Friday is a good thing but, in Truth's defense, if you look at it a certain way you can see that there is no benefit to the town. That is just a really narrow way of looking at things.
Wow, you're right Truth. That is a really narrow way of looking at things. Relax son, and enjoy your town.
Look I enjoy my town just fine enough. I was down of First Friday and it was a bit light, no problem the weather had it's part in this play.
Let us not detract from what this post is about; we have two candidates for Mayor and neither knows anything of leadership other than that with teenage boys. The clip shows that this man doesn't know his facts, has a condesending attitude and no management experience. Yet we are going to allow him to oversee about half of the borough budget. The cops don't like coach and Loopy Lou will be eaten alive with the first sign of adversity. Loopy has more double speak then Mr. Ponytail.
God help us.
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