Posted by Mr. Ellsworth Toohey

Today's Phoenix:

I share the following fact in the interest of providing complete and balanced information to your readers.

At the April 14 Phoenixville Borough Council meeting, 30 individuals spoke during public participation in regards to the expansion of the Phoenixville Public Library across Second Avenue and up to the existing curb line of Reeves Park. Twenty-two gave addresses in the borough; eight gave addresses in Schuylkill Township.

Among the Phoenixville Borough residents who spoke, 15 spoke in opposition to plans to expand the library, seven spoke in favor.

As the North Ward representative on council, I must note that four of my constituents spoke at the meeting, all in opposition to the current plans.

All eight Schuylkill Township residents who spoke did so in favor of the plans. Four of them are current members of the Phoenixville Public Library Board of Trustees.

Richard Mark Kirkner

Phoenixville Borough Council

North Ward

This entry was posted on Wednesday, April 22, 2009 at Wednesday, April 22, 2009 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .



why don't they build a library in their own township with their own money?

April 22, 2009 at 9:55 AM

Couldn't agree with 9:55 more. The Borough has and continues to let those who don't live here or pay taxes here dictate what we should and shouldn't do in our town. Let them do that in their own townships and leave us alone.

April 22, 2009 at 1:07 PM

You tell 'em Anonymous 9:55. That'll show 'em!

These are your followers Foohey.

April 22, 2009 at 2:02 PM

Isn't Mr Kirkner the councilman who brings up arguments against a position, and then argues against his own counter arguments? I've heard him do this on a few occasions. Not to mention he also takes part in public participation sessions during the council meetings??????? We could have a council filled with 7 Richard Kirkners and still have 5-2 votes, 4-3 votes, and 0-7 unanimous votes. WTF?

And this is a guy we depend on for our arguments against the library expanding onto 2nd Ave.?

April 22, 2009 at 7:01 PM

2:02- Why do we have to be 'followers'. Do you assume no one living in this borough has an opposing opinion? Is the point to silence all opposing opinions by verbal bullying? Believe it or not the plans for the library are not endorsed by the majority. Does that matter to anyone?

April 22, 2009 at 9:37 PM

Anon 9:37pm : Did you read my response and who I was responding to???? I responded to the idiotic comment about telling people from other towns to build their own library. And then I pointed out that this clown is one of Foohey's followers.

Do I think no one has opposing views? Absolutely not. I do welcome opposing points of views, but as long as their based in fact and not innuendo. What is innuendo? Well, your comment about the majority being against the library (that's innuendo/not fact). Comments that there are back door dealings (that's innuendo/no facts). Comments that there are special interests (that's innuendo/not fact). Comments that there haven't been other options explored (that's innuendo/not fact). Etc, etc, etc.

If you want to say that there could be potential zoning issues with the library expansion (that's fact). If you want to say that there will be increased parking issues (that's fact). If you want to say anything that's fact based.... well then, that's OK. But don't use innuendo as facts to support your believes. And please, don't make up facts to support your side like the majority of people in Pville are against the library expansion. That is truly NOT TRUE unless you have paid for an independent study to support your claims. Stop making things up like a 5 year old kid.

April 23, 2009 at 9:03 AM

One small innuendo is that the library board keeps insisting to council that there were 5 or 6 different plans discussed.Nowhere has any council member asked to see these other plans nor were they offered by the library.Why the secrecy and why shove this concept down our throats like it is the only option.

April 27, 2009 at 11:59 PM

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