
Posted by Mr. Ellsworth Toohey

Today's Skip Lawerence Column in the Phoenix (no link included):

But what’s most revealing in them is rather how the Library is being utilized. Given its assumptions, the Gilkeyson Committee didn’t have to ask that question.

We do. And our own particular public is voting on the purposes of its own particular public library with its feet. Purposes that are reflected in the proposal. It’s to those purposes — and to the architectural plans that will embody them — that public discussion should be turning.

A wonderfully informing column that gave us an insight into the begging that went on in the early 20th century to get funding for the library. Not much has changed with the need for expansion. I think the above paragraph says it all. The library is being utilized for good purposes, vital purposes, by our community standards. It is also being utilized and accessed by car at a ratio of 3 to 1. That is where the rubber hits the pavement. I don't think that the people that oppose the cuyrrent plan are against "progress". They would like to see progress planned out a bit more than it is currently being done.

This entry was posted on Monday, April 20, 2009 at Monday, April 20, 2009 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .



20,000 from Carnegie for a building.
3,800 from School Board to Coffin for 100x150 parcel and Main Street and Second Avenue.

from measuringworth.com calculator
Six Ways to Compute the Relative Value of a U.S. Dollar Amount, 1774 to Present

Current data is only available till 2008.

In 2008, $20,000.00 from 1901 is worth:

$522,580.10 using the Consumer Price Index
$433,608.57 using the GDP deflator
using value of consumer bundle
$2,376,388.89 using the unskilled wage
$3,263,844.39 using the nominal GDP per capita
$12,811,226.74 using the relative share of GDP

In 2008, $3,800.00 from 1901 is worth:

$99,290.22 using the Consumer Price Index
$82,385.63 using the GDP deflator
using value of consumer bundle
$451,513.89 using the unskilled wage
$620,130.43 using the nominal GDP per capita
$2,434,133.08 using the relative share of GDP

The 2008 observations for U.S. nominal GDP, nominal GDP per capita, population and GDP deflator are preliminary numbers that will change.
Data for consumer bundle is only available through 2007.
Data for unskilled wage is only available through 2007.

April 20, 2009 at 10:00 AM

The library reports that the total income for the months Jul 08 - Feb 09 was $670,445. The total expenses are reported as $666,048.

Your tax money from PASD for those 7 months to the library was $318,338. The county and state contributed about another $170,00. (There are other grants from government entities of about $50,000).

In the 1901 letter Skip Lawrence references a guarantee of at least $1500 annually for the support of the institution.

In 2008, $1,500.00 from 1901 is worth:
$39,193.51 using the Consumer Price Index
$32,520.64 using the GDP deflator
using value of consumer bundle
$178,229.17 using the unskilled wage
$244,788.33 using the nominal GDP per capita
$960,842.01 using the relative share of GDP

April 20, 2009 at 2:54 PM

And let the pandering for council votes begin. Tap into that hot issue ET.

April 20, 2009 at 4:36 PM

Toothy , what office are you running for?

April 25, 2009 at 6:17 AM

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