Here is another example of vile commentary that the Phoenix believes is good editorialization. This time it is Michael Reagan. I can't remember his father acting like a jackass but it seems that the son is making up for it. Here are some choice quotes:
America's industrial heartland, the storied fruited plain, is about to become the world's largest ghost town as many of the nation's most talented and wealthiest citizens contemplate fleeing for the hills — or in this case, other nations where they will be greeted with welcome arms.
In brief, the United States of America as we know it is being destroyed by a president and an administration determined to bring it down so they can rebuild it in their own image — in this case that of Karl Marx.
AND . . .. . . . ..
The prospect of paying $50 for a loaf of bread is no longer a potential nightmare, but a certainty. As the dollar loses its value, the cost of the goods it will buy soars. That's just economic reality.
And when it happens, good old Dr. Obama will be there with the snake oil remedy that sold so well in Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy.
He promised change. We're sure getting it.
Please stop printing this crap. You are doing nobody a service by having this on your editorial page.
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on Saturday, April 4, 2009
at Saturday, April 04, 2009
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Please be a little more specific. Which is 'vile', my post, Mr. Toohey's post, or Mr. Reagan's column?
vile def.:
ADJECTIVE: Inflected forms: vil·er, vil·est
1. Loathsome; disgusting: vile language. 2. Unpleasant or objectionable: vile weather. See synonyms at offensive. 3a. Contemptibly low in worth or account; second-rate. b. Of mean or low condition. 4. Miserably poor and degrading; wretched: a vile existence. 5. Morally depraved; ignoble or wicked: a vile conspiracy.
April 6, 2009 at 9:12 PM
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- Mr. Ellsworth Toohey
- "Don’t set out to raze all shrines – you’ll frighten men. Enshrine mediocrity, and the shrines are razed."