I had contact with 3 people today where the issue of special interests in Phoenixville came up. All three got me thinking about special interests. With all the national news about the issue it is hard to imagine that a small town could be so wrapped up in the exact same problems. When the brokerage firms need massive capital infusions, they go crying to the government with all their lobbyist and get taxpayer money to help them ride out the storm (even though they caused the problem). The taxpayers had little say and no real advocates.
I said I made contact with three people. One was in an email where I said that it must be great to be a community leader that only takes on the easy community problems. That is advocates for non controversial issues. They stand up and help the fuzzy bunnies on the farm but ignore the ugly pigs in the mud. The next was a business leader that had contacted me about another issue surrounding a press release (Sorry about that Junk Folder). In the course of a response to him I claimed that there is a real disconnect between a large group of residents and the business community. I said that businesses demand way more than they produce and thus the taxpayer must subsidize them. The businesses have three lobbying arms in the Chamber, PABA, and Barry Cassidy and the Main Street program. There are no advocates for the taxpayer and, since they are shouted down when they voice an opinion about the business community, there is no real sounding board available for any dissent. My final statement to this person was that when the business community advocates the fixing of the parks, I will give them the benefit of the dou bt.
The last contact came from a comment on a previous post. Here it is:
I think the people defending Reeves Park should seek legal counsel. The forces of developers are very strong, they have moneyed interests backing them. They stand to make a lot of money from this project. I think the people defending Reeves Park really need to get together, find a lawyer to represent them, and fight this construction project.
Who actually are the advocates for the people of Phoenixville? Do we have a non profit that stands up for any issue? Are businesses self serving and do they care little of the community that surrounds there main street (our main street)? Do residents have to sue to save a portion of a historic park? Who is out there to be advocates for the St. Nick Brotherhood, The Reeves Park neighbors, the Community Gardeners, and the taxpayers? I believe that government can be the answer to these kinds of problems but not this Council.
Their deaf ear to the residents have led to increased taxes while financially supporting the lobbying arm of the business community to the tune of $125,000 a year while our parks crumble. Their deaf ear to the residents led to the zoning change of the Holy Ghost property and the green lighting of the senior living project. Their deaf ear has led to the 2nd Ave residents concerns being unheard even though they will be impacted the most.
Who are the advocates?
This entry was posted
on Sunday, March 29, 2009
at Sunday, March 29, 2009
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The citizenry has a vocal advocate in the "Custodian of Public Opinion!"
March 30, 2009 at 11:23 AM
I agree that the photoshop prowess of the Phoenix is impressive and quite biting at times.
March 30, 2009 at 4:30 PM
An honest, open, knowledgeable, heartfelt, inside view of the downtown business situation can and should be read here.
April 6, 2009 at 2:22 PM
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