New Recycling Program?  

Posted by Mr. Ellsworth Toohey

The Borough has decided to raise money by storing burned out cars in the new High Street Park. The plan is in place to raise the estimated $5 million it will take to complete the park. As of today there are 7 cars parked on the property but the estimated capacity of 1000 would make the project quite profitable. If you have a car that need to be "Dumped", you can contact the Borough of Phoenixville at 610-933-8801

This entry was posted on Monday, February 16, 2009 at Monday, February 16, 2009 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .



You are fricking kidding me. It wasn't bad enough the site has contamination problems -- now the Borough wants to add MORE petrochemical pollution to site????

February 17, 2009 at 6:43 AM

Obviously, I was kidding about the plan. There are a number of burned out cars in the front of the park. Kind of like a big "Welcome to Phoenixville" sign.

February 17, 2009 at 4:20 PM

Read the paper. The cars are there so the fire company can practice saving your lives. Funny that you can be so hypercritical without any facts. You're a real shining star in Phoenixville.

February 17, 2009 at 9:45 PM

Why can't they store the cars out of the way? Do they need all those cars? Can they practice on one car and then remove it from the fucking park? I don't see other fire companies dumping vehicles in other municipal parks. What about Reservoir park or Friendship field? How about the compost site?

I have pride in my community and I want it to look its best. I hope that would be the goal of everyone. I am practicing to be a good recycler but I am not throwing my trash in the street and leaving it there.

February 18, 2009 at 6:46 AM

Oh, good -- now there's purposely burning the cars at the park site for the fire company? Adding even more petrochemical pollution, not to mention heavy metal contamination all over the park?

This is insanity. Of course the fire company needs to practice, but that many cars for that long on a non-concrete surface?

The whole situation smells to me. The Borough is being used as a toxic waste dump and the price tag to decontaminate the site properly for children's ballfields (the purpose for which the land was purchased) is going to be far more than $5 million.

February 18, 2009 at 9:05 AM

These cars are not being purposely burned out. These came from people whos cars burned up at homes, on roads, or where ever they suffered their loss.

Mr. E.T.

If you are so concerned about the clean look of Phoenixvile, just go to the Public parking lot off of Prospect street. It looks more like the Phoenixville Dump there than in the "High Street Park."

You people are unbelievable and have no facts but are on here stirring the pot with factless BS.


February 19, 2009 at 10:29 AM

I would like to thank you for reading this blog. It is the diverse group of people and views that make this endeavor truly magical.

I live not too far from that lot and I can see where you are coming from. There is a problem there with cars of a different nature. I thought that it was one of Barry Cassidy's strongest ideas for freeing up the public lots when he devised the plan for a no parking at specific times. That would clear out the lots and target cars that where abandoned or "3rd cars".

As for the cars at the High Street Park, whether the cars are burned there or elsewhere is besides the point. Burned out cars should not be stored in the entrance way of a public park. It is a park, not a salvage yard. If we need a place to store them, we have a scrap yard 200 yards away, have them towed (from the towing shop 100 yards away) when the exercise is done. Let's take pride in our neighborhoods, all of them. The downtown gets all the press but neighborhoods pay the taxes.

As for getting a life. . . . I have no response to that. If you have no respect for my words of opinions, you always have the option of not reading them anymore.

February 19, 2009 at 4:35 PM

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